
Covenant and Communion

The Biblical Theology of Pope Benedict XVI

Scott Hahn

978 0 232 52775 9
Hardback |208 pp |216 x 135 mm
Price: £14.95

978 0 232 52835 0
Paperback |208 pp |216 x 135 mm
Price: £12.99

What is the theology that underlies the thinking of the former Pope? Covenant and Communion reveals the hidden key that unlocks the mind of Benedict XVI. The first half of the twentieth century saw the emergence of three renewal movements in Catholic thought – the biblical, the patristic and the liturgical.These movements converged and flourished in Benedict’s theology as never before.

Scott Hahn is one of the best-selling contemporary Catholic writers. His introduction to what he describes as ‘a theology of great power and beauty’ is vivid and enthralling.

Scott Hahn is a Catholic theologian, contemporary author, consultant, professor, and Christian apologist. A former Presbyterian who converted to Catholicism, Hahn’s academic works include Rome Sweet Home and The Lamb’s Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth.
ISBNs: 9780232527759 978-0-232-52775-9 Title: covenant and communion ISBNs: 9780232528350 978-0-232-52835-0 Title: covenant and communion